What's more is the quote from the bill' s author, Rep. Alan Grayon (D-FL)
"you should not get rich off public money, and you should not get rich off of abject failure." Grayson expects the bill to pass the House, and as we talked, he framed the issue in a way to suggest that virtuous lawmakers will vote for it, while corrupt lawmakers will vote against it.With proposals like this bounding out of our Congressional Politburo, there won't be an employee on Wall Street left. In case he forgot, four of Congressman Grayson's top five campaign contributors are large unions. Most union pension funds are heavily invested in the stock market. Hmm..."This bill will show which Republicans are so much on the take from the financial services industry that they're willing to actually bless compensation that has no bearing on performance and is excessive and unreasonable," Grayson said. "We'll find out who are the people who understand that the public's money needs to be protected, and who are the people who simply want to suck up to their patrons on Wall Street."
Also, whose virtue does Congressman Grayson espouse?
I'm looking for John Galt.